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Implement staff training


Considering staff training

Assess and confirm the need for training

Preparing the training

Delivering a training session

Evaluating a training session


Identify and Use Strategies to Evaluate Your Own Performance

Self-evaluation after your training sessions will help to make you a more professional trainer.  In addition to considering the formal responses, reflect on how well you handled your training responsibilities. Be realistic about your skills when you evaluate yourself, but don’t be harsh. All of us can improve on everything we do. There is always next time to do a better job.

Self Evaluation

Having received feedback on your training from various people, the next step is to provide feedback to yourself that is , perform a self-evaluation.  This should take place both immediately after the session and again, later after you have received feedback from the trainees. Remember feedback to yourself is the same as any other feedback - constructive.

Ask yourself:

  • Did trainees achieve learning outcomes?
  • Were the learning activities appropriate - did they help the learners learn?
  • Did I talk too much?
  • Were the trainees given the opportunity to comment?

If it is possible to video or audio tape your training, do it - this is the best possible method for self evaluation.

At this point consider training sessions you have attended in the past.  Each trainer displayed personal characteristics that you either liked or disliked.

Review and modify the Training Session Plan Using Feedback and Self-Evaluation.

Once you have received feedback and completed a self-evaluation you are in a position to review the training and draw some conclusions.

These conclusions might relate to:

  • Skills or knowledge of the trainer (you)
  • Suitability of the training environment
  • Availability of equipment and resources
  • Training methods used
  • Clarity of training aims and outcomes
  • Content of the session
Develop a Checklist

Positive Conclusions

If the conclusions are positive, you have an indication that:

  • The initial training need was identified correctly
  • The training plan was appropriate
  • The training was conducted in the right manner

Non Positive Conclusions

If the conclusions are not so positive then you may need to modify your training plan to correct the inadequacies.

Some questions that you may need to ask are:

  • Was training the solution?
  • Could different training have satisfied the problem?
  • Were the participants ready or willing to learn?
  • Was the training too short/long?
  • Is more practice needed?

Responding to the Feedback

Modifying our training plans can sometimes appear to be an ongoing process.  However, if the feedback you receive is valid then it is imperative that you make the necessary changes.

Gathering feedback from trainees is a very important part of the evaluation process.  However, one of the disadvantages is that trainees may provide the feedback they think you want to hear, rather than full and honest feedback.



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