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Implement staff training


Considering staff training

Assess and confirm the need for training

Preparing the training

Delivering a training session

Evaluating a training session


Evaluating Training Delivery

The second part of the process is to seek feedback on the actual training delivery. 

Find out how the participant’s thought the session went - a good question to use here is:

“What do you think I could do differently next time?”

There may be issues relating to:

  • What training you delivered
  • The actual presentation
  • How you delivered it
  • The learner activities
  • Your interaction with the group
Develop a Checklist

When seeking feedback from trainees about the specifics of training, avoid the “feel good” questions and ask specific open questions like:

“Were the learning outcomes achieved?”

“Was the level of information appropriate?”

“How could the training be improved?”

“Was there enough time to practice the new skills?”

You may prefer written questions to a verbal format.

Talk to your trainer, a workplace coach or a teacher and discuss the methods they use for seeking feedback on workplace training.

You need to evaluate what impact the training has had in the workplace.  You may have asked questions to get feedback on your training session.  However, the most important aspect is - “has actual work performance improved as a result of the training?”

Activity Self evaluation

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