Manage Sales and Service Delivery
Setting Sales & Service Targets Establishing a Productive Store Environment
Developing a Repair and Maintenance ScheduleA store relies on its equipment, as well as the staff it employs to ensure that the customer receives the level of service they expect. Imagine the result of a cash register breaking down during a busy trading period. Now imagine how you would feel if you found out that the breakdown could have been avoided through maintenance. It's possible that no amount of servicing and/or maintenance could stop a cash register from breaking down but a maintenance schedule at least helps to identify the possibility of it happening before it does. The average retail store uses many pieces of equipment on a daily basis. If this equipment is not in good condition there is the potential for:
When developing your maintenance schedule you should consider:
Maintenance ChecklistsA maintenance checklist is an effective way of recording information about on-going maintenance or repairs that take place when a problem occurs with equipment. Some headings could include:
Reporting SystemsIt is important to have systems in place to ensure that any faults or problems are communicated promptly. If a problem occurs, the team must know the correct and most efficient action to take. Your communication system should cover:
In addition to a communication procedure, there should be a monitoring system in place to make sure that the process is working effectively and that the team knows how these procedures are activated. Constant monitoring allows changes to be made when necessary. It is important to have a system that works for everyone and to the benefit of the store. Maintenance RecordsMaintaining accurate records enables you and/or other relevant people to identify if maintenance is required. They also enable you to be aware of any problems that may need further investigation.
For example:
The recording system you use is likely to be influenced by your store's maintenance policy. What ever system you use, it is important that it: