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Manage Sales and Service Delivery


Store Operations

Setting Sales & Service Targets

Supplier Relationship

Meeting Your Customer's Needs

Establishing a Productive Store Environment


Establishing Suitable Working Conditions

Good working conditions have a positive impact on staff morale and can lead to team members developing an attitude of respect for the business. If the team is happy and satisfied, they are more likely to project this image to your customers than if they are dissatisfied.

Customers quickly realise if the sales staff are happy in their job or not. This in turn can influence the customer's attitude towards the store and its management. This attitude can also influence their decision to buy from your store.

When the service provided by the store exceeds customer expectations, customers devleop a positive attitude towards the store and your team.

Industrial Relations

The relationship between the sales team and store management is, to a large extent, dominated by industrial relations. As a manager, you should know and understand the details in your store's enterprise agreement (if one exists) or the appropriate industrial award(s).

Industrial Relations

If the award or agreement conditions are followed and communicated to your team, you begin to create an atmosphere of trust and commitment.

Copies of relevant awards/agreements can be obtained from:

More Information
  • Your store's personnel department, if you have one
  • An employer organisation
  • A trade union
  • Government departments responsible for Industrial Relations (check phone book)

While, agreements and awards may vary from state to state, enterprise to enterprise, it is important for you to be able to differentiate between the two.

Industrial Awards

Industrial awards are made up of a series of orders made by industrial tribunals in Australia. These awards contain the minimum wages and conditions of employment for employees who are covered by the award. They are generally associated with an occupation. It is not uncommon to have several awards applying in one business.

Enterprise Agreements

These agreements are the result of negotiations between the employer and unions. They determine the wages and conditions of employment relevant to the needs of the specific business. They generally take into account all of the occupations involved in the business.

As a manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that the proper awards and policies are being followed. This involves ensuring that each team member is aware of their rights and obligations under your store's industrial relations system.

The rewards benefit the store in both the short and long term through efficiency and productivity.

Team Motivation

The team's motivation is a central issue when establishing suitable working conditions. The commitment of the team and its involvement in the day to day operations of the store has a major impact on sales and customer satisfaction.

As the manager, your management/leadership style will have a major impact on this motivation.

For more information on leadership style and team motivation see "Lead and Manage People".


Your Store's Approach

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