Concepts Header
Implement staff training


Considering staff training

Assess and confirm the need for training

Preparing the training

Delivering a training session

Evaluating a training session


Competency Based Training

Competency based training is concerned with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform a task or job required for effective workplace performance.

Competency based training places emphasis on:

  • What individuals do in the workplace
  • How well they perform the task/job
  • The knowledge and skills required to do the job
  • How assessment will be conducted including when, where and by whom

Competency Standards

A competency standard is a nationally agreed statement of the skills, and knowledge required for effective performance in a particular job or job function.’ (ANTA, 1999, p.14)

Generally, all competency standards have a similar format. They provide trainers with a guide to what are the most suitable training and assessment activities.

Format of Competency Standards

The competency standards are formatted with the following details:

Unit Code Identification code
Unit title The general area of competence
Descriptor This clarifies the Unit Title (optional)
Element of competence The foundation from which the unit is built. It highlights and undertakes in terms of outcomes, what the employee needs to demonstrate to be assessed, in relation to the unit
Performance criteria This provides the level of skill required by the individual
Range of variables Highlights the environment in which the unit is to be performed. It should include the range of applications such as occupational health and safety issues
Evidence guide Illustrates what the employee must do to be assessed as competent within the unit
Key competencies Generic ability and the performance level required for a particular job/function
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Types of Competencies

The National Training Authority highlights three classifications:

1. Industry Standards


Competency standards endorsed by Industry (for example, Certificate III in Retail Operations is endorsed by a range of National Retail Industry groups)

2. Cross-industry standards


Competencies common to a range of industries

3. Enterprise standards


Competency standards developed and/or used specifically at enterprise level. For example McDonald's has set its own competency standards to meet their particular needs

More Information Further information about competency standards can be gained from the ANTA website at


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